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Flint's C++ Deep Learning Framework

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template <typename T, unsigned int index, int... w> class WeightRef 

FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY builds an compile-time linked list of Tensor pointer
template <typename T>
concept GenericLayer =
	requires(T a, Tensor &t1, Tensor &t2,
			 Tensor &t3, Tensor &t4, AdamFactory fac,
			 std::vector grads) 

Concept of methods a Layer for neural networks has to implement. Mind the static constexpr methods that determine the modifications of dimensionality and types of the input tensors
FType transform_type(FType)
, they describe the type of your forward (i.e. if a tensor of dimensionality
and type
is inserted into your forward, a tensor of dimensionality
and type
should be returned). It is highly recommended to derive your Layer from
, since they provide already implementations for some methods.
may consume its input tensor since it isn't needed afterwards.
struct UntrainableLayer 

Implements blank methods for every method of GenericLayer that is not needed for a Layer that is not trainable. If you derive from this class you have to implement the
method from the
concept and - if the forward outputs another type or dimensionality then its parameter has - overload
template <typename F, int... wn> class Layer 

Virtual super class of all Layer implementations with type safe weight management capabilities. The variadic template describes the dimensionality of the individual weights i.e. a
Layer<double, 3,4,5>
has three weights:
Tensor<double, 3>
Tensor<double, 4>
Tensor<double, 5>
. You have to initialize them by providing their initial state in the constructor, after that you may access references to them with the function
get_weight<int index>()
If you derive from this class you have to implement the
method from the
concept and - if the
outputs another type or dimensionality then its parameter has - overload
template <typename... args> Layer(args... weights) 

Initializes the weights by copying the provided ones. After that you may access them with
get_weight<int index>()
template <int index, int dim> void set_weight(Tensor t) 

Sets a specific weight described by its index
void set_weights(const std::vector weights) 

Sets all weights from an array
template <int index>
		Tensor<F, get_dim<index, wn...>()> &get_weight() 

Returns a reference to a specific weight described by its index
template <OptimizerFactory Fac> void generate_optimizer(Fac factory) 

Creates an optimizer for each weight with the methods of the provided
template <typename T, unsigned int dim>
		void optimize_weights(const Tensor &error) 

Calculates the gradients of each weight to the
tensor and optimizes them by their gradient with their optimizer (if one has been generated, see
std::vector<FGraphNode *> collect_weights() 

Collects pointer to the underlying
references of the weights. Usefull for gradient calculation.
void optimize_weights(std::vector grads) 

Takes already calculated Gradients of the weights (
th entry in
correspons to the
th weight) and optimizes them by their gradient with their optimizer (if one has been generated, see
virtual std::string name() 

Returns the name of this Layer for overviews and debugging.
virtual std::string description() 

Returns a summary of this Layer for overviews and debugging.




template <typename F = float> struct Connected : public Layer

Layer for fully connected neuronal network layer. A connected layer has a 2 dimensional matrix and a bias as parameters. The matrix is multiplied (with matrix multiplication) with the last two dimensions of the input tensor. The bias is added on the result (in practice this happens in one matrix multiplication, the input tensor is padded with a 1 in its last dimension and the bias is the last row of the matrix).
template <Initializer InitWeights, Initializer InitBias>
		Connected(size_t units_in, size_t units_out, InitWeights init_weights,
				  InitBias init_bias)
			: Layer(
				  Flint::concat(init_weights.template initialize(

Creates the layer and initializes the weights.
  • units_in
    size of the last dimension of the input tensors (will be
the size of the dimension before the last dimension of the weights).
  • units_out
    size of the last dimension the result tensor is
supposed to have (will be the size of the last dimension of the weights).
  • init_weights
    a weight initializer (has to fulfill the
concept, close to Gauss-distributed random values yield good results).
  • init_bias
    a bias initializer (has to fulfill the
concept, small values yield good results, can be constant for bias).
Connected(size_t units_in, size_t units_out)
			: Layer(Flint::concat(
				  GlorotUniform().template initialize(

Creates the layer and initializes the weights.
  • units_in
    size of the last dimension of the input tensors (will be
the size of the dimension before the last dimension of the weights).
  • units_out
    size of the last dimension the result tensor is
supposed to have (will be the size of the last dimension of the weights).
The weights are initialized with glorot uniform random values and the bias with 0s.



enum PaddingMode 

Padding of convolution operations
    : a normal convolution operation. Each filter is slid over the input tensor with its step size as many times as it completly fits into the input tensor. The output may have a smaller size then the input.
    : the image tensor is padded on each side as equally as possible so that the output has the same size as the input if steps = 1 in all dimensions (i.e. the image is padded so that the kernels fit fully into the image)
    : the image tensor is padded on each side by the size of the kernel - 1 in that dimension. This yields as many kernel multiplications as possible with the given step size
template <int n, typename F = float> class Convolution : public Layer

A generic Convolution layer. It creates multiple filters that are slid along the input in each dimension by a step size. Each time the filter values are multiplied with the elements of the input tensor with which it is currently aligned and the result (with shape of the filter) is summed up to a single value in the resulting tensor. After that the filter is moved by its step size in each dimension and the process repeats. After the convolution is calculated a learnable bias is added to the result per filter.
TLDR; Each element in the result of this layer is a full multiplication of a filter with a corresponding window in the input array. This is especially helpful for image processing tasks, since the parameters (filters) allow the recognize location independent features in the input.
You are supposed to configure this layer by providing a number of
, a
and the size of the last dimension of the input tensor, i.e. the channels of the input tensor called
. The template expects you to provide the dimensionality of the input tensor (including batch size and channels). The output size is the same as of the input tensor for the first dimension (usually the
), in the last dimension it is the number of
and in every other the number of times each filter can be slid against the input tensor (depending on the size of the input tensor, the
, the step size and padding see
E.g. if you have a batch of two dimensional rgb (3 channels) images, it would have a shape of
(batch_size, height, width, 3)
. Then you would create a
layer (also called
) with
units_in = 3
. The output tensor would also be a 4 dimensional tensor. Lets say you dont use padding (
), 10 filters, a step size of 2 in each dimension, 32 as
and your 100 images have widths and heights of
input_shape = (100, 128, 128, 3)
). The output size would be
(batch_size, ceil((input_shape - kernel_size + 1) / steps),
   ceil((input_shape - kernel_size + 1) / steps), filters) =
   (100, 49, 49, 10)
template <Initializer InitWeights, Initializer InitBias>
		Convolution(size_t units_in, unsigned int filters,
					unsigned int kernel_size, InitWeights weight_init,
					InitBias bias_init, std::array stride,
					PaddingMode padding_mode = NO_PADDING)
			: Layer(weight_init.template initialize(
								 weight_shape(filters, kernel_size, units_in)),
							 bias_init.template initialize(

Initializes the Convolution Layer.
  • units_in
    number of channels (size of last dimension) of input
  • filters
    number of used filters (size of last dimension of the
result tensor)
  • kernel_size
    size of filters
  • weight_init
    Initializer for filters, has to implement the
concept, should generate random values close to a normal distribution
  • bias_init
    Initializer for the bias, has to implement the
concept, should generate small values, constant values like
are fine
  • stride
    step size per dimension (2 dimensions less then the input tensor, since the convolution is broadcasted along the
and the channels in the last dimension are fully reduced)
  • padding_mode
    which type of padding to use (see
more information)
Convolution(size_t units_in, unsigned int filters,
					unsigned int kernel_size,
					std::array stride,
					PaddingMode padding_mode = NO_PADDING)
			: Layer(GlorotUniform().template initialize(
								 weight_shape(filters, kernel_size, units_in)),
							 ConstantInitializer().template initialize(

Initializes the Convolution Layer.
  • units_in
    number of channels (size of last dimension) of input
  • filters
    number of used filters (size of last dimension of the
result tensor)
  • kernel_size
    size of filters
  • stride
    step size per dimension (2 dimensions less then the input tensor, since the convolution is broadcasted along the
and the channels in the last dimension are fully reduced)
  • padding_mode
    which type of padding to use (see
more information)
The filters are initialized with a glorot uniform distribution.
typedef Convolution<4> Conv2D

For inputs of images with shape
(batch_size, width, height, channels)



class Dropout : public UntrainableLayer 

Randomly sets some values in the input to 0 with a probability of
. Reduces over fitting. Degenerates to an identity function when
is false.



class SoftMax : public UntrainableLayer 

SoftMax activation Layer. For multiclass classification.
SoftMax(int ax = -1) : ax(ax) 

Initializes the SoftMax function with an optional axis parameter that describes the dimension of which the sum will be taken (may be negative in which case it will index from back, i.e. -1 means the last axis, -2 the one befor the last etc.). Calculates
exp(in) /
 sum(in, ax)
struct Relu : public UntrainableLayer 

Rectified Linear Unit. Does
max(input, 0)
. Simple and it works.