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Documentation dl/optimizers.hpp dl/losses.hpp

Flint's C++ Deep Learning Framework

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template <int n, typename F = float> struct Optimizer 

Optimizer interface that defines an update method. An optimizer is intended to be instantiated once per weight and optimizes double or flaot weights. The type-parameter
denotes the dimensionality of the weight this optimizer was generated for.
virtual Tensor<F, n> update(Tensor &weights,
										 Tensor &gradient) = 0

Takes the old weight and its gradient to the error tensor and updates it, i.e. returns the updated version of the weight.
template <typename T>
concept OptimizerFactory = requires(T fac) 

An OptimizerFactory is used to generate optimizers on the heap with predefined parameters. Needed so a new optimizer per weight can be generated. For each derivation of
there should be one factory to generate instances of that optimizers for the weights.
template <int n, typename F = float> struct Adam : public Optimizer

Implementation of the Adam algorithm (first-order gradient-based optimizer for stochastic objective functions based on adaptive estimates of lower-order moments).
Adam(F learning_rate = 0.0015, F b1 = 0.9, F b2 = 0.999)
			: learning_rate(learning_rate), b1(b1), b2(b2) 

Initializes the Adam algorithm with some parameters that influence the optimization speed and accuracy. -
: (sometimes called
) the step size per optimization, i.e. the proportion weights are updated. Higher values (e.g. 0.2) lead to a faster convergence, while lower values yield more accurate convergence. -
: (sometimes called
) the exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. -
: (sometimes called
) the exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates.
You can tune the individual members later on too.
struct AdamFactory 

Constructs Adam Optimizer with preset parameters.
AdamFactory(double learning_rate = 0.0015, double b1 = 0.9,
					double b2 = 0.999)
			: learning_rate(learning_rate), b1(b1), b2(b2) 

Initialisation parameters for the Adam algorithm that influence the optimization speed and accuracy. -
: (sometimes called
) the step size per optimization, i.e. the proportion weights are updated. Higher values (e.g. 0.2) lead to a faster convergence, while lower values yield more accurate convergence. -
: (sometimes called
) the exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. -
: (sometimes called
) the exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates. All Adam instances generated by
are constructed with the given parameters.
template <int n> Optimizer<n> *generate_optimizer() const 

Generates an Adam optimizer for a
-dimensional weight.



template <typename T=float>
concept GenericLoss = requires(T a, Tensor &t1, Tensor &t2,
							   Tensor &t3, Tensor &t4) 

Defines the general concept of a Loss function. It receives two tensors: the actual output and the expected one. It then calculates the loss as a double Tensor (since the weights are always double Tensors as well).
struct CrossEntropyLoss 

Calculates the Categorical Cross Entropy Loss with full summation. It is advised to apply a softmax as the last activation layer in the calculation of
sum(-expected * log(in))