Types and Functions • template <typename T, unsigned int n> struct Tensor
• Tensor() : node(nullptr)
• Tensor(init_type data)
• Tensor(storage_type data)
• Tensor(FGraphNode *node, std::array shape)
: node(node), shape(shape)
• Tensor(FGraphNode *node) : node(node)
• Tensor(const Tensor &other)
• Tensor<T, n> &operator=(const Tensor &other)
• Tensor(Tensor &&other)
• std::array<size_t, n> get_shape() const
• Tensor<T, n> &operator=(Tensor &&other)
• ~Tensor()
• void inverse_broadcasting()
• void disable_inverse_broadcasting()
• storage_type operator*()
• std::vector<char> serialize()
• static Tensor<T, n> deserialize(char *data, size_t *bytes_read = nullptr)
• static Tensor<T, n> deserialize(std::vector data)
• void execute()
• void execute_cpu()
• void execute_gpu()
• Tensor<T, n> operator()()
• Tensor<T, n> operator-() const
• Tensor<int, n> sign() const
• Tensor<int, n> even() const
• TensorView<T, n - 1> operator[](const size_t index)
• operator std::string()
• friend std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream &os, Tensor t)
• static Tensor<T, n> read_from(std::ifstream &is)
• friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Tensor t)
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator+(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator+(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator-(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator-(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator*(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator*(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator/(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator/(const K other) const
• Tensor<T, 1> flattened() const
• Tensor<T, n - 1> flattened(const int dimension) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> pow(const Tensor &other)
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> pow(const K other)
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log2()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log10()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> sqrt()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> exp()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> sin()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> cos()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> tan()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> asin()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> acos()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> atan()
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> matmul(Tensor &other)
• template <typename K> Tensor<K, n> convert() const
• template <typename... args> Tensor<T, sizeof...(args)> reshape(args... shape)
• template <size_t k> Tensor<T, k> reshape_array(std::array new_shape)
• Tensor<T, n + 1> expand(int ax = n, int ax_size = 0)
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> min(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> min(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> max(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> max(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> operator<(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> operator<(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> operator>(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> operator>(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> equal(const Tensor &other) const
• template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> equal(const K other) const
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_sum(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_mul(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_mul()
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_sum()
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_min(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_min()
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_max(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_max()
• Tensor<T, n> abs() const
• template <size_t k> Tensor<T, n> slice_array(std::array ranges) const
• template <typename... args> Tensor<T, n> slice(const args... dim_ranges) const
• Tensor<T, n> extend(std::array new_shape,
std::array indices)
• Tensor<T, n> extend(std::array new_shape,
std::array indices,
std::array steps)
• Tensor<T, n> repeat_array(std::array repetitions) const
• template <typename... args> Tensor<T, n> repeat(const args... repetitions) const
• Tensor<T, n> transpose(std::initializer_list transposition =
• Tensor<T, n> transpose_array(std::array transposition)
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n == k ? n - 1 : n> convolve_array(const Tensor &kernel,
const std::array steps) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k, typename... args> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k == n ? n - 1 : n> convolve(const Tensor &kernel, const args... steps) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<T, n> index(const Tensor &indices) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<T, n> index_set(const Tensor &b,
const Tensor &indices) const
• Tensor<T, n + 1> sliding_window(std::array window_size,
std::array step_size =
• Tensor<T, n - 1> unslide_window(std::array result_size,
std::array step_size =
• Tensor<T, n - 1> pooling_max(std::array window_size,
std::array step_size =
• Tensor<T, n - 1> pooling_sum(std::array window_size,
std::array step_size =
• Tensor<T, n> permutate(unsigned int ax) const
• Tensor<T, n> dropout(double p) const
• FGraphNode *get_graph_node() const
• void set_graph_node(FGraphNode *node)
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<to_float<stronger_return<K>>, k> gradient(const Tensor &dx) const
• void watch()
• void unwatch()
• Tensor() : node(nullptr)
• Tensor(init_type data)
• Tensor(storage_type data)
• Tensor(FGraphNode *node, std::array
• Tensor(FGraphNode *node) : node(node)
• Tensor(const Tensor &other)
• Tensor<T, n> &operator=(const Tensor &other)
• Tensor(Tensor &&other)
• std::array<size_t, n> get_shape() const
• Tensor<T, n> &operator=(Tensor &&other)
• ~Tensor()
• void inverse_broadcasting()
• void disable_inverse_broadcasting()
• storage_type operator*()
• std::vector<char> serialize()
• static Tensor<T, n> deserialize(char *data, size_t *bytes_read = nullptr)
• static Tensor<T, n> deserialize(std::vector
• void execute()
• void execute_cpu()
• void execute_gpu()
• Tensor<T, n> operator()()
• Tensor<T, n> operator-() const
• Tensor<int, n> sign() const
• Tensor<int, n> even() const
• TensorView<T, n - 1> operator[](const size_t index)
• operator std::string()
• friend std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream &os, Tensor
• static Tensor<T, n> read_from(std::ifstream &is)
• friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Tensor
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator+(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator+(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator-(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator-(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator*(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator*(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator/(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator/(const K other) const
• Tensor<T, 1> flattened() const
• Tensor<T, n - 1> flattened(const int dimension) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> pow(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> pow(const K other)
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log2()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log10()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> sqrt()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> exp()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> sin()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> cos()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> tan()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> asin()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> acos()
• Tensor<to_float<T>, n> atan()
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> matmul(Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<K, n> convert() const
• template <typename... args> Tensor<T, sizeof...(args)> reshape(args... shape)
• template <size_t k> Tensor<T, k> reshape_array(std::array
• Tensor<T, n + 1> expand(int ax = n, int ax_size = 0)
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> min(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> min(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> max(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> max(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> operator<(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> operator<(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> operator>(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> operator>(const K other) const
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> equal(const Tensor
• template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> equal(const K other) const
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_sum(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_mul(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_mul()
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_sum()
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_min(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_min()
• Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_max(int dimension)
• Tensor<T, 1> reduce_max()
• Tensor<T, n> abs() const
• template <size_t k> Tensor<T, n> slice_array(std::array
• template <typename... args> Tensor<T, n> slice(const args... dim_ranges) const
• Tensor<T, n> extend(std::array
• Tensor<T, n> extend(std::array
• Tensor<T, n> repeat_array(std::array
• template <typename... args> Tensor<T, n> repeat(const args... repetitions) const
• Tensor<T, n> transpose(std::initializer_list
• Tensor<T, n> transpose_array(std::array
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n == k ? n - 1 : n> convolve_array(const Tensor
• template <typename K, unsigned int k, typename... args> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k == n ? n - 1 : n> convolve(const Tensor
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<T, n> index(const Tensor
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<T, n> index_set(const Tensor
• Tensor<T, n + 1> sliding_window(std::array
• Tensor<T, n - 1> unslide_window(std::array
• Tensor<T, n - 1> pooling_max(std::array
• Tensor<T, n - 1> pooling_sum(std::array
• Tensor<T, n> permutate(unsigned int ax) const
• Tensor<T, n> dropout(double p) const
• FGraphNode *get_graph_node() const
• void set_graph_node(FGraphNode *node)
• template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<to_float<stronger_return<K>>, k> gradient(const Tensor
• void watch()
• void unwatch()
The use of Tensors alone isn't enough to correctly use Flint.
Especially cleaning up the library when you are finished is important to allow the backends to deallocate resources
and joining Threads. The function
Flint::cleanup()automatically cleans up all initialized backends, or you can construct a instance of
template <typename T, unsigned int n> struct Tensor
The multi dimensional implementation of
Tensor() : node(nullptr)
Uninitialized Tensor
Tensor(init_type data)
Creates a Tensor from a
n-times nested
init_typeis a recursive defined type definition). E.g.
Tensor<float, 2> t1{{-1., 0.}, {1., 2.}}; Tensor<float, 3> t2 = {{{0, 1}, {1, 2}}, {{3, 4}, {5, 6}}};
Tensor(storage_type data)
Creates a Tensor from a
n-times nested
storage_typeis a recursive defined type definition). E.g.
std::vector<std::vector<float>> s1 = {{-1., 0.}, {1., 2.}}; Tensor<float, 2> t1(s1);
Tensor(FGraphNode *node, std::arrayshape) : node(node), shape(shape)
Constructs a Tensor directly from a
FGraphNodeand a shape
Tensor(FGraphNode *node) : node(node)
Constructs a Tensor directly from a
Tensor(const Tensor &other)
Copy constructor. Copies the underlying Graph structure by creating a
new node with the same operation, shape and data types. The new
predecessor array points to the same predecessors (memory safety is
ensured with reference counting).
otherhas result data or if it is a storage node, the complete CPU data is directly copied. Since this operation is expensive it is advised to only use it if it is completly necessary.
Tensor<T, n> &operator=(const Tensor &other)
Copy operator. Copies the underlying Graph structure by creating a
new node with the same operation, shape and data types. If there was
any previous allocated operation node allocated by this Tensor it is
cleaned up. The new predecessor array points to the same predecessors
(memory safety is ensured with reference counting).
otherhas result data or if it is a storage node, the complete CPU data is directly copied. Since this operation is expensive it is advised to only use it if it is completly necessary.
Tensor(Tensor &&other)
Move constructor. Moves every important field from
otherto this Tensor.
otheris invalidated after this operation.
std::array<size_t, n> get_shape() const
Returns the shape of this Tensor as a array with
nentries. Each entry describes the size of the corresponding dimension. E.g.
Tensor<float, 2> t1{{-1., 0.}, {1., 2.}}; std::array<double, 2> shape1 = t1.get_shape(); // shape1 = {2, 2}
Tensor<T, n> &operator=(Tensor &&other)
Move operator. Moves every important field from
otherto this Tensor.
otheris invalidated after this operation. If there was any previous allocated operation node allocated by this Tensor it is cleaned up.
Cleans up this tensor and frees all underlying data by reference
void inverse_broadcasting()
Sometimes there are combinations of nodes where both normal and
inverse broadcasting is possible, but yields different results, e.g.
multiplication for two nodes with shapes
[3, 5, 3, 5]and
[3, 5]. The framework chooses normal broadcasting over inverse if both are possible, this function allows you to alter this behaviour and mark a node to be inversely broadcasted. After the call to this function the given node will from then on only inversely broadcasted (in cases where only normal broadcasting is available an error will occur!). It has no effect in operations that don't use broadcasting. You can "unmark" the node with
void disable_inverse_broadcasting()
storage_type operator*()
Retrieves the data of the current node and converts it into a
multidimensional vector. Executes the node if necessary (if it was
not executed prior). This operation has to duplicate the complete
data. Since that is a memory heavy and slow operation, it is
recommended to use the index operator
operator[]whenever possible instead. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> foo = Tensor<int, 3>::constant(42, 2, 2, 1); std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> foo_res = *foo; // foo_res = {{{42}, {42}}, {{42}, {42}}}
std::vector<char> serialize()
Serializes the underlying data of the Tensor to a binary vector.
If the Tensor has no Result Data it is executed.
static Tensor<T, n> deserialize(char *data, size_t *bytes_read = nullptr)
Deserializes the binary representation of Tensor data back to a
Tensor object. The number of bytes read is stored in
static Tensor<T, n> deserialize(std::vectordata)
Deserializes the binary representation of Tensor data back to a
Tensor object.
void execute()
Executes the underlying operation (and lazily the operations of the
parents if needed) if it was not already executed prior (in that case
the operation does nothing). If Flint was initiallized implicitly
(without ever calling
flintInit) or with
FLINT_BACKEND_BOTHthe backend is chosen automatically by heuristics and initialized if it was not prior.
void execute_cpu()
Executes the underlying operation (and lazily the operations of the
parents if needed) if it was not already executed prior (in that case
the operation does nothing). Uses the CPU backend and initializes it
if it was not initialized.
void execute_gpu()
Executes the underlying operation (and lazily the operations of the
parents if needed) if it was not already executed prior (in that case
the operation does nothing). Uses the CPU backend and initializes it
if it was not initialized.
Tensor<T, n> operator()()
Convenience Method that calls
executeand returns a lightweight copy of the Tensor
Tensor<float, 2> t = ...; std::cout << t() << std::endl;
Tensor<T, n> operator-() const
Negates the elements of this Tensor.
Tensor<float, 2> foo = {{-3, 3.141592}, {42.0798, -4.3}}; std::cout << (-foo)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[3.000000, -3.141592], // [-42.079800, 4.300000]])
Tensor<int, n> sign() const
Returns a tensor
xwith the shape of a with
x[i] = 1if
a[i] >= 0else
x[i] = -1. If you need to distinguish additionally for 0 values, take a look at
equal. E.g.
Tensor<float, 2> foo = {{-3, 3.141592}, {42.0798, -4.3}}; std::cout << (foo.sign())() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[-1, 1], // [1, -1]])
Tensor<int, n> even() const
Returns a int tensor
xwith the shape of
x[i] = 1if
this[i] % 2 = 0else
x[i] = 0. This Tensor needs to have a integer type. E.g.
Tensor<int, 2> foo = {{2, 3}, {42, 7}}; std::cout << (foo.even())() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[1, 0], // [1, 0]])
TensorView<T, n - 1> operator[](const size_t index)
Indexes the Tensor in its last dimension by
index. The returned type
TensorViewstores the underlying data of this Tensor and the given index. It is only valid and functional as long as the underlying data of this Tensor is not destructed (i.e. as long as this object is alive or as it is attached as the parent of another Tensor). If the underlying data is not yet computed, executes this Tensor. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> foo{{{0,1}, {2,3}}, {{4,5}, {6,7}}}; TensorView<int, 2> bar = foo[1]; TensorView<int, 1> baz = bar[1]; std::cout << baz[0] << std::endl; // 6 std::cout << foo[0][1][1] << std::endl; // 3
operator std::string()
Converts this Tensor to a string representation.
If the Tensor was not yet executed, it won't be, instead of the data
it will say "<not yet executed>".
friend std::ofstream &operator<<(std::ofstream &os, Tensort)
serializeon this Tensor and pipes the returned data to the stream.
static Tensor<T, n> read_from(std::ifstream &is)
Reads from a input stream one Tensor representation.
The input should have been created with
serializeor the pipe operator.
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Tensort)
std::string()on this Tensor and pipes the returned string to the pipe.
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator+(const Tensor&other) const
Elementwise addition of this Tensor and
other. If the dimensions differ the smaller Tensor is broadcasted along the first dimensions which are not shared of the larger one. The datatype of the result is the datatype with higher precedence. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0,1}, {2,3}}, {{4,5}, {6,7}}}; Tensor<float, 2> b{{4,2},{0.5f,1}}; std::cout << (a + b)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[4.000000, 3.000000], // [2.500000, 4.000000]], // [[8.000000, 7.000000], // [6.500000, 8.000000]]])
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator+(const K other) const
Elementwise addition of the constant
otherto this Tensor. If the datatype of
Kis stronger (stronger precedence) than the datatype of this Tensor
Kwill be the result type, else
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator-(const Tensor&other) const
Elementwise subtraction of this Tensor and
other. If the dimensions differ the smaller Tensor is broadcasted along the first dimensions which are not shared of the larger one. The datatype of the result is the datatype with higher precedence. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0,1}, {2,3}}, {{4,5}, {6,7}}}; Tensor<float, 2> b{{4,2},{0.5f,1}}; std::cout << (a - b)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[-4.000000, -1.000000], // [1.500000, 2.000000]], // [[0.000000, 3.000000], // [5.500000, 6.000000]]])
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator-(const K other) const
Elementwise substraction of the constant
otherfrom this Tensor. If the datatype of
Kis stronger (stronger precedence) than the datatype of this Tensor
Kwill be the result type, else
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator*(const Tensor&other) const
Elementwise multiplication of this Tensor and
other. If the dimensions differ the smaller Tensor is broadcasted along the first dimensions which are not shared of the larger one. The datatype of the result is the datatype with higher precedence. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0,1}, {2,3}}, {{4,5}, {6,7}}}; Tensor<float, 2> b{{4,2},{0.5f,1}}; std::cout << (a * b)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 2.000000], // [1.000000, 3.000000]], // [[16.000000, 10.000000], // [3.000000, 7.000000]]])
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator*(const K other) const
Elementwise multiplication of the constant
otherfrom this Tensor. If the datatype of
Kis stronger (stronger precedence) than the datatype of this Tensor
Kwill be the result type, else
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> operator/(const Tensor&other) const
Elementwise division of this Tensor and
other. If the dimensions differ the smaller Tensor is broadcasted along the first dimensions which are not shared of the larger one. The datatype of the result is the datatype with higher precedence. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0,1}, {2,3}}, {{4,5}, {6,7}}}; Tensor<float, 2> b{{4,2},{0.5f,1}}; std::cout << (a / b)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 0.500000], // [4.000000, 3.000000]], // [[1.000000, 2.500000], // [12.000000, 7.000000]]])
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> operator/(const K other) const
Elementwise division of the constant
otherfrom this Tensor. If the datatype of
Kis stronger (stronger precedence) than the datatype of this Tensor
Kwill be the result type, else
Tensor<T, 1> flattened() const
Flattens the complete tensor to a tensor with one dimension.
Tensor<long, 3> a = {{{3, 1, 4}, {2, 1, 5}}, {{0, 4, 2}, {4, 7, 9}}}; std::cout << (a.flattened())() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT64, shape: 12>([3, 1, 4, 2, 1, 5, 0, 4, 2, 4, 7, 9])
Tensor<T, n - 1> flattened(const int dimension) const
Flattens this tensor with
ndimensions along
dimension, resulting in a tensor with
n-1dimensions. Flattening a dimension will remove it from the shape of the tensor. The data stays the same, you can imagine the elements along the flattened dimension to be appended to each other. E.g.
Tensor<long, 3> a = {{{3, 1, 4}, {2, 1, 5}}, {{0, 4, 2}, {4, 7, 9}}}; std::cout << (a.flattened(1))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT64, shape: [4, 3]>( // [[3, 1, 4], // [2, 1, 5], // [0, 4, 2], // [4, 7, 9]])
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> pow(const Tensor&other)
Elementwise power of this Tensor to
other. If the dimensions differ the smaller Tensor is broadcasted along the first dimensions which are not shared of the larger one. The datatype of the result is the datatype with higher precedence. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1}, {2, 3}}, {{4, 5}, {6, 7}}}; Tensor<double, 2> b{{4, 2}, {0.5f, 1}}; std::cout << (a.pow(b))() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 1.000000], // [1.414214, 3.000000]], // [[256.000000, 25.000000], // [2.449490, 7.000000]]])
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> pow(const K other)
Elementwise power of this tensor to the constant
other. If the datatype of
Kis stronger (stronger precedence) than the datatype of this Tensor
Kwill be the result type, else
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log()
Takes the elementwise natural logarithm of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log2()
Takes the elementwise logarithm dualis of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> log10()
Takes the elementwise logarithm to basis 10 of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> sqrt()
Takes the elementwise square root of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> exp()
Takes the elementwise exponent of this Tensor (power of the constant
eto this Tensor).
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> sin()
Takes the elementwise sinus of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> cos()
Takes the elementwise cosinus of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> tan()
Takes the elementwise tangents of this Tensor.
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> asin()
Takes the elementwise arcsinus of this Tensor (
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> acos()
Takes the elementwise arccosinus of this Tensor (
Tensor<to_float<T>, n> atan()
Takes the elementwise arctangents of this Tensor (
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> matmul(Tensor&other)
Carries out matrix multiplication on the last two dimensions of the
tensors (broadcasts all others). E.g. a matrix multiplication of two
tensors with shapes
(64, 32, 16)and
(16, 24)will yield a tensor with shape
(64, 32, 24). Since for one entry of the tensor multiple other previous entries are needed, the operand tensors need to be executed first. Therefor the method will implicitly (or eagerly) execute this Tensor and
otherif their data is not allready present. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1}, {2, 3}}, {{4, 5}, {6, 7}}}; Tensor<double, 2> b{{4, 2, 3.5f}, {0.5f, 1, 0}}; std::cout << (a.matmul(b))() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [2, 2, 3]>( // [[[0.500000, 1.000000, 0.000000], // [9.500000, 7.000000, 7.000000]], // [[18.500000, 13.000000, 14.000000], // [27.500000, 19.000000, 21.000000]]])
template <typename K> Tensor<K, n> convert() const
Converts this Tensor (and the underlying data) to type
Kgiven in the template.
Kmust be one of
double. The data is converted, not reinterpreted.
template <typename... args> Tensor<T, sizeof...(args)> reshape(args... shape)
Reshapes this Tensor to a new shape with arbitrary dimensions.
It can have less dimensions, more dimensions and a completly
different shape, the only assumption that has to hold is that the
product of the new shape is the same as the product of the old shape
(the new shape represents as many elements as the old).
template <size_t k> Tensor<T, k> reshape_array(std::arraynew_shape)
Reshapes this Tensor to a new shape with arbitrary dimensions.
It can have less dimensions, more dimensions and a completly
different shape, the only assumption that has to hold is that the
product of the new shape is the same as the product of the old shape
(the new shape represents as many elements as the old).
Tensor<T, n + 1> expand(int ax = n, int ax_size = 0)
Adds a new dimension at an arbitrary position to the tensor and
repeats the following dimensions to match a given shape.
the dimension prior to which the new dimension will be
0means a new dimension in the front,
n + 1means as a new last dimension).
the new size of that dimension (repeats the following dimensionsax_size - 1
Tensor<double, 2> a = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}}; std::cout << a.expand(0, 3)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [3, 2, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 1.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000]], // [[0.000000, 1.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000]], // [[0.000000, 1.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000]]]) std::cout << a.expand(1, 3)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [2, 3, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 1.000000], // [0.000000, 1.000000], // [0.000000, 1.000000]], // [[2.000000, 3.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000]]]) std::cout << a.expand(2, 3)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [2, 2, 3]>( // [[[0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000], // [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000]], // [[2.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000], // [3.000000, 3.000000, 3.000000]]])
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> min(const Tensor&other) const
Takes the minimum of this tensor and
otherelement wise (the lower value is the result, if one tensor is smaller it will be broadcasted).
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> min(const K other) const
Takes the minimum of this Tensor and the constant value
otherfor each element.
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k >= n ? k : n> max(const Tensor&other) const
Takes the maximum of this tensor and
otherelement wise (the higher value is the result, if one tensor is smaller it will be broadcasted).
template <typename K> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n> max(const K other) const
Takes the maximum of this Tensor and the constant value
otherfor each element.
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> operator<(const Tensor&other) const
Compares this tensor and
otherelementwise and returns a 0,1 integer Tensor.
0denotes that
this >= other,
this < other.
template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> operator<(const K other) const
Compares this tensor and the constant
otherelementwise and returns a 0,1 integer Tensor.
0denotes that
this >= other,
this < other.
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> operator>(const Tensor&other) const
Compares this tensor and
otherelementwise and returns a 0,1 integer Tensor.
0denotes that
this <= other,
this > other.
template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> operator>(const K other) const
Compares this tensor and the constant
otherelementwise and returns a 0,1 integer Tensor.
0denotes that
this <= other,
this > other.
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<int, k >= n ? k : n> equal(const Tensor&other) const
Compares this tensor and
otherelementwise and returns a 0,1 integer Tensor.
0denotes that
this != other,
this == other.
template <typename K> Tensor<int, n> equal(const K other) const
Compares this tensor and the constant
otherelementwise and returns a 0,1 integer Tensor.
0denotes that
this != other,
this == other.
Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_sum(int dimension)
Reduces one dimension of the tensor by additive folding e.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << (a.reduce_sum(0))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[4, 6, 26], // [8, 10, 3]]) std::cout << (a.reduce_sum(1))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[2, 4, 36], // [10, 12, -7]]) std::cout << (a.reduce_sum(2))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[33, 9], // [3, 12]])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_mul(int dimension)
Reduces one dimension of the tensor by multiplicative folding e.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << (a.reduce_mul(0))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[0, 5, -192], // [12, 21, -4]]) std::cout << (a.reduce_mul(1))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[0, 3, 128], // [24, 35, 6]]) std::cout << (a.reduce_mul(2))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[0, 24], // [-120, -42]])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, 1> reduce_mul()
Reduces all dimension of the tensor by multiplicatione.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << e.reduce_sum()() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [1]>([0])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, 1> reduce_sum()
Reduces all dimension of the tensor by summation e.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << e.reduce_sum()() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [1]>([57])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_min(int dimension)
Reduces one dimension of the tensor by keeping the minimum e.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << e.reduce_min(0)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[0, 1, -6], // [2, 3, -1]]) std::cout << e.reduce_min(1)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[0, 1, 4], // [4, 5, -6]]) std::cout << e.reduce_min(2)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[0, 2], // [-6, -1]])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, 1> reduce_min()
Reduces all dimension of the tensor by keeping the maximum value
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << e.reduce_min()() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [1]>([-6])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, n - 1> reduce_max(int dimension)
Reduces one dimension of the tensor by keeping the maximum e.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << e.reduce_max(0)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[4, 5, 32], // [6, 7, 4]]) std::cout << e.reduce_max(1)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[2, 3, 32], // [6, 7, -1]]) std::cout << e.reduce_max(2)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2]>( // [[32, 4], // [5, 7]])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, 1> reduce_max()
Reduces all dimension of the tensor by keeping the maximum value
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << e.reduce_max()() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [1]>([32])The results of this Tensor must be available, to ensure that the method may execute the Tensor.
Tensor<T, n> abs() const
Takes the elementwise absolute value of this Tensor (negative signs
are removed).
template <size_t k> Tensor<T, n> slice_array(std::arrayranges) const
slicebut with an array of TensorRanges instead of variadic arguments
template <typename... args> Tensor<T, n> slice(const args... dim_ranges) const
Selects a slice of the tensor with a dimension wise start index, end
index and step size. The arguments of this function are objects of
the type
TensorRange, there may be as many arguments as dimensions or less. The arguments start by the first one describing the first dimension, the second one describing the second and so on. If there are less arguments than dimensions, all elements of the missing last dimensions will be selected. Each
TensorRangecontains a
endmay be negative values, which are then subtracted from the end of the tensor (e.g.
-1means the element before last element).
startis inclusive and describes the start index of the selection per dimension and
enddescribes the end index per dimension and is exclusive.
stepcontains the per dimension step size (e.g.
2meaning every second element will be selected etc.) and may be negative as well, which reverses the traversal order (the first elements are selected as the last ones). For a negative step size,
start > endmust hold (for a positive of course
end > start) for each dimension. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 32}, {2, 3, 4}}, {{4, 5, -6}, {6, 7, -1}}}; std::cout << (a.slice(TensorRange(0, 2), TensorRange(0, -1), TensorRange(2, 0, -1)))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 1, 2]>( // [[[32, 1]], // [[-6, 5]]])To help with indexing there is the value
TensorRange::MAX_SCOPEwhich describes a index depending on the traversal order in that dimension (i.e. the sign of step):
- for forward traversel it denotes in start the shape of that
- for backward traversal it denoted in start 0 and in end the element before 0 (this is necessary since otherwise it would not be
Tensor<int, 2> a{{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6, 7}}; std::cout << (a.slice( TensorRange(TensorRange::MAX_SCOPE, TensorRange::MAX_SCOPE), TensorRange(TensorRange::MAX_SCOPE, TensorRange::MAX_SCOPE, -1)))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 4]>( // [[3, 2, 1, 0], // [7, 6, 5, 4]])
Tensor<T, n> extend(std::arraynew_shape, std::array indices)
Creates a new tensor of zeroes with the requested shape. The original
tensor is embedded at the given indices. Typically used to add
padding to a Tensor.
an array describing the new shape (the number of
an array of indices per dimension where the Tensor should
new_shape) is large enough to hold the size of this Tensor + the start index. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}}, {{6, 7, 8}, {9, -2, -1}}}; std::cout << (a.extend(std::array<double, 3>{3, 4, 4}, std::array<double, 3>{1, 0, 1}))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [3, 4, 4]>( // [[[0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0]], // [[0, 0, 1, 2], // [0, 3, 4, 5], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0]], // [[0, 6, 7, 8], // [0, 9, -2, -1], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0]]])
Tensor<T, n> extend(std::arraynew_shape, std::array indices, std::array steps)
Creates a new tensor of zeroes with the requested shape. The original
tensor is embedded at the given indices and with a step size.
an array describing the new shape (the number of
an array of indices per dimension where the Tensor should
new_shape) is large enough to hold the size of this Tensor + the start index.
an array of step sizes per dimension. A step size of 2
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}}, {{6, 7, 8}, {9, -2, -1}}}; std::cout << (a.extend(std::array<double, 3>{3, 4, 4}, std::array<double, 3>{0, 0, 1}, std::array<long, 3>{2, 3, -1}))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [3, 4, 4]>( // [[[0, 2, 1, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 5, 4, 3]], // [[0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0]], // [[0, 8, 7, 6], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, 0, 0, 0], // [0, -1, -2, 9]]])
Tensor<T, n> repeat_array(std::arrayrepetitions) const
Repeats dimensions of a tensor multiple times.
repititionsis an array with the same number of entries as the tensor has dimensions. If
repetitionshas in a dimension a value
xthe resulting shape in that dimension is
x + 1times larger than that of the origional Tensor (because it is concatenated with itself
xtimes), such that
0would result in no change of the shape of that dimensions, a
1would repeat the Tensor 1 time. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1}, {1, 2}}, {{2, 3}, {3, 4}}}; std::cout << (a.repeat(std::array<int, 3>{0, 1, 2}))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 4, 6]>( // [[[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], // [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2], // [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], // [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]], // [[2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3], // [3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4], // [2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3], // [3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4]]])
template <typename... args> Tensor<T, n> repeat(const args... repetitions) const
Repeats dimensions of a tensor multiple times.
This function allows one repetition argument per dimension (missing
dimensions will be filled with
0s. For one of such a repetition argument
xthe resulting shape in that dimension is
x + 1times larger than that of the origional Tensor (because it is concatenated with itself
xtimes), such that
0would result in no change of the shape of that dimensions, a
1would repeat the Tensor 1 time. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1}, {1, 2}}, {{2, 3}, {3, 4}}}; std::cout << (a.repeat(0, 1, 2))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 4, 6]>( // [[[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], // [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2], // [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], // [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]], // [[2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3], // [3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4], // [2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3], // [3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4]]])
Tensor<T, n> transpose(std::initializer_listtransposition =
Transposes this tensor along multiple dimensions
transpositionsis an array with the same number of entries as the tensor has dimensions, which gives the perumtation of dimensions. The tensor will have a resulting shape in which the size in dimension
icorresponds to the former size in dimension
transpositionsmay be smaller than the number of dimensions of the original Tensor, in which case the remaining dimensions will be fully transposed (0 with n-1, 1 with n-2, ...). E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a{{{0, 1}, {1, 2}}, {{2, 3}, {3, 4}}}; std::cout << (a.transpose({1, 0, 2}))() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[0, 1], // [2, 3]], // [[1, 2], // [3, 4]]]) std::cout << (a.transpose())() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[0, 2], // [1, 3]], // [[1, 3], // [2, 4]]])
Tensor<T, n> transpose_array(std::arraytransposition)
Same as
transpose, but with transpositions as array
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, n == k ? n - 1 : n> convolve_array(const Tensor&kernel, const std::array steps) const
Same as
convolve, but with steps as an array
template <typename K, unsigned int k, typename... args> Tensor<stronger_return<K>, k == n ? n - 1 : n> convolve(const Tensor&kernel, const args... steps) const
Convolves the
n-dimensional input tensor with a
n+1-dimensional filter kernel
kerneland a per dimensional step size
stepswith size of
n-1. This operation basically has two modi: - one where there is exactly one filter s.t.
kernelhas dimensionality
n, the same size in the last dimension as the input tensor (since that dimension will be completly reduced) and in all other dimensions kernel should have the same or smaller size then the input tensor. - one where
kernelrepresents an array of filters in its first dimension, s.t. kernel has dimensionality of
n+1. Each kernel in the first dimension is convolved like it would be in the first modi. The convolution results of each kernel are concatenated in the last dimension of the result Tensor. Lets say the input tensor has a shape of
[x, y, c]and the kernel has
[f, a, b, c]the shape of the result will be
[convolveshape(x, a, steps[0]), convolveshape(y, b, steps[1]), f](for the semantic of
convolveshape()look at the end of this documentation). It is expected that the input and
kernelhave the same size in their last dimension (which will be completly reduced by the convolution). In all other dimensions the size of the input tensor should be larger or equal to the size of
kernel. The
kernelwill be 'slid' over the tensor in each dimension, multiplying all values of
kernelwith the corresponding ones in the tensor and summing them up to a single value and moving the kernel further by the value given in
stepsin that corresponding dimension. The implementation does not include any padding, meaning only convolutions where the complete kernel still fits into the array will be executed (the shape will be calculated correspondingly). If you want to modify this behaviour (i.e. include padding) you can use
sliceor similar. The resulting Tensor will therefor have a shape with dimensionality
n - 1(or in the case of multiple kernels
n) and size of
(shape[i] - kernel.get_shape()[i] - 1) / steps[i]if
(shape[i] - kernel.get_shape()[i] - 1)is divisable by
(shape[i] - kernel.get_shape()[i] - 1) / steps[i] + 1
Tensor<float, 3> t1{{{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {3, 4}}, {{5, 6}, {7, 8}, {9, 0}}, {{-1,-2},{-3,-4},{-5,-6}}}; Tensor<float, 3> k1{{{1, 1}, {2, 2}}}; std::cout << t1.convolve(k1, 2, 1)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 3]>( // [[7.000000, 17.000000, 7.000000], // [-17.000000, -29.000000, -11.000000]]) Tensor<float, 3> t1{{{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}}, {{3, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}}}; Tensor<float, 4> k1{ {{{1, 1}, {2, -1}}}, {{{-1, 1}, {1, 0}}}, {{{-2, 1}, {2, -1}}}}; std::cout << t1.convolve(k1, 1, 1)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT32, shape: [2, 2, 3]>( // [[[1.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000], // [4.000000, 3.000000, 1.000000]], // [[11.000000, 6.000000, 2.000000], // [17.000000, 8.000000, 2.000000]]])
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<T, n> index(const Tensor&indices) const
Selects single elements with a index-tensor (integer tensor
containing indices for the selected dimension). It indexes a
dimension of the input tensor and the result has the shape of the
input tensor except for the indexed dimension. It is assumed that
except for the last entry the shape of
indicesis a prefix of the shape of the input tensor and the indexing will occur in the matched subsets (the last dimension of the
indicesTensor is the one indexed in the input tensor).
Tensor<double, 3> a = { {{0, 1}, {2, 3}}, {{4, 5}, {6, 7}}, {{8, 9}, {10, 11}}}; Tensor<int, 1> i1 = {0, 2}; std::cout << a.index(i1)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [2, 2, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 1.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000]], // [[8.000000, 9.000000], // [10.000000, 11.000000]]]) Tensor<int, 1> i2 = {0, 1, 1, 2}; std::cout << a.index(i2)() << std::endl; // Tensor<FLOAT64, shape: [4, 2, 2]>( // [[[0.000000, 1.000000], // [2.000000, 3.000000]], // [[4.000000, 5.000000], // [6.000000, 7.000000]], // [[4.000000, 5.000000], // [6.000000, 7.000000]], // [[8.000000, 9.000000], // [10.000000, 11.000000]]])
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<T, n> index_set(const Tensor&b, const Tensor &indices) const
Assigns to each element in
bone element in the input tensor where that element will be "send" to, i.e. the place in the input tensor the index points to will be set to the corresponding element from
b. If multiple elements from
bare sent to the same place in the input tensor they will be summed up. The shape of
indicesmust be a prefix of the shape of
b, meaning it can have as many dimensions as
bor less, but the sizes of the dimensions must be the same as the first of the shape of
Tensor<int, 2> a3 = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}}; Tensor<int, 2> b3 = {{4, 5}, {6, 7}, {8, 9}}; Tensor<int, 1> i3 = {0, 0, 2}; std::cout << a3.index_set(b3, i3)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [4, 2]>( // [[10, 12], // [2, 3], // [8, 9], // [6, 7]]) Tensor<int, 2> i4 = {{-1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}}; Tensor<int, 2> b4 = {{4, 5}, {6, 7}, {8, 9}, {10, 11}}; std::cout << a3.index_set(b4, i4)() << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [4, 2]>( // [[5, 1], // [2, 13], // [9, 8], // [6, 10]])
Tensor<T, n + 1> sliding_window(std::arraywindow_size, std::array step_size =
Creates "views" in an additional dimension of a fixed size windows.
The window of size
window_sizeis slid in each dimension along the Tensor starting from the beginning and moving
step_sizeentries in each dimension (the last dimension is moved first until it is fully traversed, then the next dimension is moved - i.e. the tensor is traversed for the windows like a nested for loop for each dimension). The windows are concatenated in a extra dimension, which becomes the first dimension of the result Tensor. E.g.
Tensor<int, 3> a = {{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}}, {{9, 10}, {11, 12}, {13, 14}, {15, 16}}, {{17, 18}, {19, 20}, {21, 22}, {23, 24}}}; Tensor<int, 4> b = a.sliding_window(std::array<double, 3>{2, 2, 2}, std::array<unsigned int, 3>{1, 2, 1}); std::cout << b << std::endl; // Tensor<INT32, shape: [4, 2, 2, 2]>( // [[[[1, 2], // [3, 4]], // [[9, 10], // [11, 12]]], // [[[5, 6], // [7, 8]], // [[13, 14], // [15, 16]]], // [[[9, 10], // [11, 12]], // [[17, 18], // [19, 20]]], // [[[13, 14], // [15, 16]], // [[21, 22], // [23, 24]]]])
Tensor<T, n - 1> unslide_window(std::arrayresult_size, std::array step_size =
Takes an array of windows (like e.g. the result of
sliding_window) and reconstructs the original tensor.
the shape of the original tensor the views were taken
the step size in each dimension with which the view was
step_sizewas larger than the window size, the resulting tensor will have
0elements were the "gaps" between the windows were. If in a dimension
stepswas smaller than the window size (the windows were "overlapping") the overlapping elements are summed up in the result.
step_sizetherefore have 1 entry less then
ahas dimensions.
Tensor<T, n - 1> pooling_max(std::arraywindow_size, std::array step_size =
Slides a window along the Tensor and reduces all elements inside that
window to their maximum value (just that one remains in the result
tensor), and then slides the window in each dimension by
step_sizeforward (like
sliding_window). The last dimension is complety pooled, and the result is one dimension smaller then the original tensor.
Tensor<T, n - 1> pooling_sum(std::arraywindow_size, std::array step_size =
Slides a window along the Tensor and reduces all elements inside that
window to their sum, and then slides the window in each dimension by
step_sizeforward (like
sliding_window). The last dimension is complety pooled, and the result is one dimension smaller then the original tensor.
Tensor<T, n> permutate(unsigned int ax) const
Randomly permutates (=swaps multiple elements with each other without
creating, copying or deleting new ones) one axis of the input tensor.
Tensor<T, n> dropout(double p) const
Randomly sets elements in the tensor by probability
pto 0.
FGraphNode *get_graph_node() const
Returns the underlying
FGraphNodefor use with the C-Frontend. It is still memory managed by this Tensor instance, so be carefull about variable lifetimes.
void set_graph_node(FGraphNode *node)
Without freeing or changing the reference counter of the current node
changes the managed node to the given parameter (is reference counter
is modified neither). If the node is not
nullptrthe reference counter should have been incremented before this method, be carefull about variable lifetimes!
template <typename K, unsigned int k> Tensor<to_float<stronger_return<K>>, k> gradient(const Tensor&dx) const
Calculates the gradient of this Tensor to
dx. A gradient is always a floating point Tensor, if both this tensor and
dxare of type float, the gradient is also of type
float, else of
dxneeds to have been marked with
watchbefore construction of this Tensor and this Tensor must be constructed inside a gradient context, either started by
fStartGradientContextor a
void watch()
Watches this node, i.e. collects information needed to calculate the
gradient with this node as a derivative
void unwatch()
Removes the gradient mark (and subsequent memory overhead) for this
node. After a call to this method no subsequent gradient calculations
with this node as a derivative will be possible.